Fresh Air Fund Application Form

Would you like to apply to have your child attend a Fresh Air Fund Camp?

Complete this form, and we’ll contact you about potential openings.

Fresh Air Fund Application Form
How old is this camper?
Which school did the camper attend this past year?
Put in the format 123-456-7890
Put in the format 123-456-7890
Put in the format 123-456-7890. Include extension if needed.
Include house number, street name, city, state, zip code and apartment / Floor number if applicable. Ex: 43 Hill Street, apt. 1 Newark, NJ 07102
Put in the format 123-456-7890. Please include extension if needed.
What is the total income made by entire family?
(If no, put "0" in this field.)
(If No, put "N/A" in this field.)
(Please list all allergens for this child. If No, put "N/A" in this field.)
Reason for recommendation (please be as detailed as possible)
What your child's favorite food or snack? What is your child's favorite subject? What does your child like to do for fun or entertainment? Favorite sport? Favorite activity? Favorite character? Does your child have a hero? How does your child like to spend their free time?
Include your email so that we can contact you directly